Rêves de garçons

Mer 10 fév 2010 4 commentaires
le mec blond me rappelle un sacré souvenir d'internat...
j'aurais aime etre pensionnaire avec vous deux ....Hmmmm
bises partout
Francois - le 11/02/2010 à 16h11
AH, ces photographes, ils sont partout .... Sinon, Bien belles pipes ... Miammmmm !!!!
DIDOU - le 11/02/2010 à 22h04
oh jesus, the blond one is so sweet...he could spend some hot time with me...yum
Fabrice - le 12/02/2010 à 04h49
NO NO ...  He's with me for the next few months !

Sorry (I saw him first)

Kiss to you


Tadzio et Jonathan
too late, Tadzio, I've booked him till next Christmas. After than you can have him, or the rest of him... :-P
Fabrice - le 12/02/2010 à 12h10
I'm not certain I can do anything with the "rests" as you say, he'll be all ...  well (you know)

Long time we spoke together I hope you're fine



Tadzio et Jonathan